Friday, January 28, 2011

I think I have created a monster!!

I really don't think that I have played favorites to my children.  However, I have started to notice that one child clings to me.

It's Adam!  The child who never wants to go anywhere unless I am there.  When I tell him he is going to his dad's or his nana's he always asks "Can I stay with you and just let Jackson go?"  I have noticed him crying for me to stay when he has had to stay @ Granny's house in the past month or so, whether it is because he was sick or the weather.  Last, he didn't even want to ride in Papa's truck the other night, we were all going to the same place but he insisted on riding with me.

I love it when he says he wants to stay with me but I know its only a matter of time before it gets worse.  There is going to come a time when Jackson and Adam realize that while they go to their dad's for the weekend mommy is going to the beach.  Really?  Where would you want to be?  Or when sports come into play or next year when they start with boy scouts.  We will handle those one at a time, but these are just some of the things I think about when they are not with me!

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